Microgeneration Certification Scheme

Image via Wikipedia


I came across a really cool, and more importantly environment friendly, video and wanted to share it with you.  The organization is called Earthship Biotecture, and what they do is build and maintain radically sustainable homes build from recyclable materials.  I practically started writing the check when I saw what these great people are doing!

They literally create a home built from recycled items such as tires, plastics, bottles, cans, etc… They also use self-sustainable energy sources.  You receive your home’s power from solar and wind sources (by the way those don’t really run out like coal and oil).  Your home is heated and cooled by natural sunlight (determined by the sun’s solar angle which varies at different times of year). Also, your water and waste it taken care as well.

I really like the modern thinking behind these homes because it incorporates a high standard of living as well as the audacity to protect our planet.  Can’t really ask for more in this day and age.

I would put money down on these “earthships” becoming a very popular/normal way to build your home in the next 50 years or so.

Here is the link to their organization I suggest you check it out: http://www.earthship.org/

Check out this cool video on the makings behind an earthship:

One of my first posts was about the Keystone XL Pipeline and what it is and how it will affect our climate, and now to back up my post I have found a great letter for you to read.  This letter is written by 9 Nobel Peace Laureates and is written to President Obama to not allow the building of this pipeline.

Among the Nobel Peace Laureates include:

Yes, the Dalai Lama is part of writing this letter along with 8 other notable peace advocates.
“The night you were nominated for president, you told the
world that under your leadership—and working together—the
rise of the oceans will begin to slow and the planet will begin
to heal. You spoke of creating a clean energy economy. This
is a critical moment to make good on that pledge, and make
a lasting contribution to the health and well being of everyone
of this planet”
President Obama has an obligation to this country and our planet to stop this pipeline from being built.  It is up to us to let him know he will be held accountable for his decision, and will either help his re-election or signal his demise.

“All along its prospective route, the pipeline endangers farms,
wildlife and precious water aquifers—including the Ogallala
Aquifer, the US’ main source of freshwater for America’s
heartland. We are aware that Nebraska’s Governor Dave
Heineman—as well as two Nebraska Senators—has urged
you to reconsider the pathway of the pipeline. In his letter
to you he clearly stated his concern about the threat to this
crucial water source for Nebraska’s farmers and ranchers.
The aquifer supplies drinking water to two million people in
Nebraska and seven other states.”


These are reasons enough to stop the pipeline construction along with the immense climatic factors at stake.  We need to stop putting more greenhouse gases into our atmosphere or else we will drastically change Earth as we know it.  We have not seen the planet’s average temperature rise this high, so that means we don’t know what exactly will happen.  What we can say is that we have seen a dramatic increase in the instability of our atmosphere which includes: more Category 4 and 5 hurricanes (Katrina), widespread tornadoes (Joplin to Ocean City), and forest fires across states like Texas.

“We urge you to say ‘no’ to the plan proposed by the
Canadian-based company TransCanada to build the
Keystone XL, and to turn your attention back to supporting
renewable sources of energy and clean transportation
solutions. This will be your legacy to Americans and the global
community: energy that sustains the lives and livelihoods of
future generations.”


And from that I want you to go to this link: https://secure.nrdconline.org/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=2447&JServSessionIdr004=5spj06dgw1.app341a and sign the petition to stop the building of the pipeline.  Your name and comments will go directly to President Obama. Thank you for caring about our home: Planet Earth.

Link to original Nobel article: http://www.savebiogems.org/stop-the-pipeline/nrdc-pipeline-nobel-laureates.pdf

North American P-51 Mustang.

P-51 Mustang via Wikipedia

Hi guys,

I was checking out the news for today and came across a link to a story about a tragic crash at an air show in Reno, Nevada. The pilot was a Hollywood stuntman flying a P-51 Mustang (WWII plane) at over 400 mph and lost control and struck the ground killing 3 and injuring 50 others.  I would like to take the time to send my thoughts and prayers to those families of the pilot and victims on the ground.  This is a sobering reminder that there is always a risk that something could go wrong, and we need to cherish life every day no matter how small it may seem.

Investigators on the scene are saying that is was a mechanical failure of some sort, but there is no conclusive evidence.

Watch the video here: http://news.yahoo.com/video/us-15749625/fatal-crash-at-reno-air-show-26643471.html 






Hi there!

I was back in the cockpit yesterday for some instrument training here in Florida, and I got to experience something not too many people get too see.  I am sure you have heard of Cape Canaveral, where the shuttle takes off, and now the shuttle program has been shut down by the government.  Well, to make a long story short I was able to do a practice approach to the official NASA shuttle landing strip (KTTS).  It was truly amazing and I almost lost it when I switched over to “NASA Tower”! I was able to see from about a 1000 feet above the launch pads, fueling center, vehicle assembly building, and other NASA facilities.  It was such a cool view and I took some photos for all you out there to check out. Enjoy!

This is where the shuttle lands! Pretty sweet!


Super-Earth cool video

Posted: September 13, 2011 in Uncategorized

Pack your bags people…

Hey there!!

I was spelunking on the good old internet and I came across this cool video/article.

You should check it out because maybe someday we have to pack our bags and go destroy another perfectly good home.  I am in no way being cynical… maybe.

Link to life saving article: http://www.space.com/12915-habitable-alien-planet-hd-85512b-super-earth.html

I will post the cool video as soon as I’m done writing this boring stuff.

Why doesn’t anybody want to comment? It takes two seconds and you could have the conversation of a lifetime.  It is truly disappointing.


I have come across another great article about our current situation as a country and would like to share my thoughts of the author’s opinions.

I suggest you read the original article to provide the full picture, but if not I have provided paraphrases of the author’s statements.

Link to original article: http://www.orionmagazine.org/index.php/articles/article/6343/


“Through its routine practices, this economy subjects people to shoddy products, unsafe working conditions, medical scams, poisoned air and water, propaganda dressed up as journalism, and countless other assaults, all in pursuit of profits.”

I really find this statement to be quite harsh, but nonetheless true.  By routine practices and his list of them really hit home and show us how things really are at the basic sense.  “Propaganda dressed up as journalism” is another way of highlighting the failure of modern media to keep the general public informed.  This is why we need to be better educated.

“Likewise …they are just as surely condemning vast numbers of people to illness, injury, and death.”

I agree with his comparison of how pharmaceutical companies and tobacco companies condemn their customers, who are strangers, to death. It is sickening to think about how many people die that can be saved, but they aren’t at the expense of a company’s profit margin.

“But in the world where the rest of us live, deception and fraud have been commonplace among corporate giants, from Enron to Exxon, from United Fruit to Union Carbide.”

He is absolutely right when he points out Milton Friedman’s quote. In a classroom setting economics is an absolute science with principals mixed with ethics, however, “in the world where the rest of us live”, it is not quite as plain and simple.  He lists some big names that have been involved in the recent past of corporate scandals.

“In our country, when the rules become a nuisance or do not sufficiently favor their interests, big companies purchase enough support in the White House or Congress or regulatory agencies to have the rules revised or abolished.”

I couldn’t agree more.  He really hits the nail on the head with this statement.  Countless times do we hear in the news media that another company gets a bailout or some type of governmental support, which, otherwise, would have been illegal to a smaller business.  It is truly disgusting, and we are better than this.

“In 2009, when the CEOs of the twenty-five largest American hedge funds split over $26 billion, this cozy arrangement cost the Treasury, and therefore the rest of us, several billion dollars in lost tax revenue. When President Obama urged Congress to close this tax loophole, the billionaire chairman of one hedge fund responded by comparing such a move with the Nazi invasion of Poland.”

It makes my head hurt to even process the fact that an intelligent human being would ever make such a comparison.  The Nazi invasion of Poland?  You have to be kidding me.  In no way would closing a tax loophole to benefit the American people could ever be compared to an invasion.  Just goes to show the audacity of this rich few, and what do we get?  “Several billion dollars in lost tax revenue.”

“I would like to believe that, having derived their riches from the commons, they feel obliged to return a substantial portion of those riches for the benefit of the commons.”

It would be nice to believe that a few of the most powerful and richest people of our country are realizing their wealth has been accumulated from the “commons” or the general public, but I just don’t believe it.  I would say the majority of the richest are so selfish they don’t even think of the world’s problems and just keep focusing how they will make another billion.  At least the author of this article is optimistic.

“…use their wealth only to increase their power, and use their power only to guard and increase their wealth, and so on, in an upward spiral toward infinity. Their success in this endeavor can be measured by the fact that the top 1 percent of earners now receives 24 percent of all income in the United States, the highest proportion since the eve of the Great Depression in 1929.”

This statistic is sickening.  Think about it, the top 1% which is about 3 million out of 300 million people receive almost a quarter of the total income in this country! Outrageous! No wonder why I can’t afford a new car…

“Through trade organizations such as the American Petroleum Institute and numerous front groups, Exxon, Shell, BP, and other energy titans have spent millions of dollars trying to persuade the public that the climate isn’t shifting dangerously, or if it is shifting then humans play no part in the change, or if humans do play a part then nothing can be done about it without stifling the economy.”

This statement really incorporates all of that which defines the downfall of our climate.  Real scientists look at the facts, while these “energy titans” look at what make their bank accounts larger and base their decisions off of that.  Time is running out and we know who to blame.

“Should we defend an economy that even in a recession generates a GDP over $14 trillion, a quarter of the world’s total, and yet is supposedly unable to afford to reduce its carbon emissions?”

No we should not.  We should change our ways and fast. We need leaders to help change the way we approach business, and consider the future of our planet as priority numero uno.

“The estimates for annual spending on advertising in the U.S. hover around $500 billion. This is roughly the amount we spend annually on public education. While taxpayers complain about the cost of schools, they do not protest the cost of advertising, which inflates the price of everything we purchase, and which aims at persuading us to view the buying of stuff as the pathway to happiness. A current ad for Coke, showing a frosty bottle, actually uses the slogan “Open Happiness.” The promise is false, and all of us know it, yet we keep falling for the illusion.”

Ignorance is not an excuse, and for us we use it way too often. We really need to lessen our exposure to these types of false advertising and focus on what is actually important to us, such as our families and their health.


And if after reading this you find yourself in a crappy mood I put a nice picture at the end to cheer you up!

Have a great day!



I recently came across an article about climate change via NASA’s website, and I was not surprised by what I saw.  According to their site, “The analysis found 2010 approximately 1.13 F warmer than the average global surface temperature from 1951 to 1980. To measure climate change, scientists look at long-term trends. The temperature trend, including data from 2010, shows the climate has warmed by approximately 0.36 F per decade since the late 1970s.”

To the average person 1.13 F of an increase may seem insignificant, but remember we are talking about the ENTIRE world.  Scientists against global warming will say that climate change is normal.  Which is true, but to date we have not seen this much fluctuation in our natural climate statistics.  Generally what we see is a period of 90,000 years of cooling and then 10,000 years of warming (see Milankovitch cycles).  We should be starting to cool in our present time, but we are seeing an increase in temperatures.

James Hansen, director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies says, “If the warming trend continues, as is expected, if greenhouse gases continue to increase, the 2010 record will not stand for long.” Which means for us that parts of the world will continue to see hotter summers and colder winters.  You may not think it is an issue to note, but the future of our children are at stake.

If you don’t believe the statistics then take a look at this from NASA’s website.

In 2010, global temperatures continued to rise. A new analysis from the Goddard Institute for Space Studies shows that 2010 tied with 2005 as the warmest year on record, and was part of the warmest decade on record. Credit: NASA/Earth Observatory/Robert Simmon

According to NASA’s website, ” The analysis produced at GISS is compiled from weather data from more than 1000 meteorological stations around the world, satellite observations of sea surface temperature and Antarctic research station measurements. A computer program uses the data to calculate temperature anomalies — the difference between surface temperature in a given month and the average temperature for the same period during 1951 to 1980. This three-decade period acts as a baseline for the analysis.”

Once again I find myself angered at how people refuse to believe the facts.  There are still people that deny global warming based on word of mouth.  Well here it is people my mouth is linking you to the facts and the data available.  What we need to do is get our government to research our alternative energy sources instead of keeping the big oil companies happy.  Our research budget for alternative energies has been cut by 80% and that is unacceptable.

Writing on behalf of the Earth,



Links to NASA’s article: http://www.nasa.gov/topics/earth/features/2010-warmest-year.html


Bigger picture of anomalies: Annual temperature anomalies






Christine Ann Snyder, 32 was a native of Kailua, Hawaii. She was a Project Manager and a certified Arborist for The Outdoor Circle, Hawaii’s oldest nonprofit environmental group.  Her family has said that the beautification of Hawaii was her profession, pride, and joy. She helped volunteers plant trees and protect them and landscapes from development.  On September 11, 2001 she was returning from the National Urban Forestry Conference in Washington, D.C. (an impromptu visit to New York City).  But she never made it home.

I would have loved Christine. She sounds like a very fun and passionate person.  She was an active member of a nonprofit organization and was committed to the environment.  People like her is what we need more of.  I have blogged about climate change before and it is people like Christine who make differences in protecting our planet.  I hope that you, reader, will realize that she was a great person and to follow what she did in remembrance of her life.

Never Forget.



Link to original article: http://articles.dailyamerican.com/2011-08-26/flight93/29929765_1_hawaii-arborist-project-manager

Hi there!

I came across an interesting article today about car scams and how to avoid them/what to look for.

#1: Buying or Selling a Vehicle Online and Becoming a Victim of Internet Fraud

Beware!! I have seen this personally, and let me tell you I was not happy in any way.  I was on craigslist looking to purchase a motorcycle from the local area, and what happened was borderline insane.  This “person” was selling a 2007 Kawasaki Ninja for $2000.  I almost needed new pants when I saw this, but I wasn’t completed convinced.  I sent this person an email and got a response almost immediately.  They told me that they were selling this bike because they recently had a divorce and was awarded this bike in the agreement.  I thought, likely story. I mean, what guy would agree to the wife keeping his bike?  Not this guy that’s for sure.  But ok, I’ll go with it. The next day I emailed them back saying I was interested in seeing the bike and testing it out first.  They emailed me back stating that the bike was in Texas (even though they listed in orlando’s craigslist), and they would ship the bike, for free, to me once they received payment.  This was a red flag to me, so at this point I decided to investigate further.  I emailed them and asked where to send the money, and they responded with an “invoice” that had eBay and paypal logos listed on it.  What I found funny was that when I went to click on these logos, nothing happened.  Now I don’t know if you’ve ever paid with paypal or ebay but if you get an email from them you can click on logos and it will link you to their sites.  So at this point I knew it was a scam, and I reported it to eBay and Paypal.  Lesson learned: always be cautious on the internet.

#2: Getting Ripped Off by a Mechanic

This is another common problem I see way too often.  Dealerships are especially bad with this because they prey on the ignorant.  I am no car expert, but I am a bullshit expert.  I have a Toyota Celica and I refuse to take it anywhere but a local shop with a friend or person I’ve known.  Your best bet is to take your car to a personal friend (from high school or wherever) and have them work on it. Just recently my dad took his Lexus to his dealership, and they told him he needed 4 brand new tires.  My dad is not car savvy either, but he told me what the measurements were and I was dumbfounded.  All his tires were at 4/32 in. For those who don’t know this is about half of the tread worn off.  In pennsylvania state minimum tread depth is 2/32 in.  So he ended up blowing over a grand on new tires when he could have gotten another year out of the same tires.  Trust and buy local is a good way to go.

#3: Discovering Your Recently Purchased Car is a Lemon

This goes without saying, but seriously, don’t let this happen.  I always remember the commercial back home 1-800 Lemon law.  I would check that out if you get into a bad situation.

#4: Putting Faith in Vehicle Devices that Don’t Fulfill Their Promise

Don’t buy anything that promises wild things.  “This will give you 5 more mpgs”. It’s all crap and you won’t want to waste  your money, trust me.

#5: Failing to Correctly Calculate the True Cost of Car Ownership

Basically don’t underestimate the amount of money you will spend to keep your car running smooth.  Remember depreciation is a factor in life and all that you buy.  Wear and tear sucks but its reality.  Deal with it.


And if you want to read more here is the main article I got this from: http://comcast.vehix.com/articles/tips–advice/5-worst-car-scams-and-how-to-avoid-them/5?cid=800



Finally if you are frustrated just watch this guy, it made me laugh hopefully it makes you laugh too!